Bodega Bay beach

Annual Retreat

Plant Breeding Annual Retreat


The 2024 Plant Breeding Retreat will be held on December 16 - 17 at the Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory. Registration information will be available in late September. 


The Plant Breeding Annual Retreat was held on December 11-12, 2023 at the UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Lab. Keynote speakers were: Roger Chetelat and Gail Taylor.

Find the agenda here.


Bodega Bay retreat group photo 2023

As an added bonus, Rachel Spaeth will be hosting a tour of the Luther Burbank Home and Gardens in Santa Rosa immediately following the retreat.

Fill out the post-retreat evaluation survey here!

Bodega Bay Marine Lab Sitemap and Guidelines

This event is open to the UC-wide plant breeding community, in addition to faculty, researchers, post docs, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students working in plant breeding in academic institutions across the state of California, as well as USDA-ARS scientists.

2023 Plant Breeding Annual Retreat
December 11-12, 2023
12PM - 12PM
UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Lab

Parking and facilities info.

Know Before You Go

Getting There:

  • All retreat events will take place at the UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Lab. Address: 2099 Westshore Rd, Bodega Bay, CA 94923. Link to Google Map.
  • Housing will be available on-site for a small fee. Overnight housing is optional and can be reserved and paid for through the registration survey.

Please use the Google Doc to coordinate carpooling. If you are able to drive others to the event please consider filling out the form to offer your vehicle as a carpool. If you are in need of a carpool to get to the event, fill out the form to connect with others who are able to drive. Find the Google Doc here:


Past Retreat Photo Galleries

2020 Plant Breeding Annual Retreat Photo Gallery

2019 Plant Breeding Annual Retreat Photo Gallery